Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Blogger Tip #1: Enhance the Commenting System

comments (thought bubbles)
The commenting system of any blog is a core element in connecting and engaging with your audience.  Commenting and feedback platforms have evolved quite significantly; from old school guestbooks and feedback forums to native platform-dependent commenting systems and 3rd party commenting systems that function cross-platform regardless of what programming language your website is based on.

Today's 3rd party commenting systems do more than simply allow readers to post a comment.  Most systems support comprehensive features such as spam control, comment moderation, whitelist and blacklist management, social media integration, email notifications, and much more.

In this article, I want to bring you awareness
of three common 3rd party commenting systems
used by bloggers: Disqus, IntenseDebate, and Livefyre.  I'll identify some of their key features you may find beneficial for your blog or website.  Lastly, at the end of each system, I'll include some helpful links for your reference.

1. Disqus

Founded in 2007, Disqus is one of the more popular commenting systems among bloggers.  Whether you're using Disqus for the first time or moving over from another commenting system, integrating Disqus into your current blog or website is a simple straight-forward process.

After signing up, you can either import existing comments from your current blogging platform (WordPress, Blogger, Drupal, Joomla, to name a few) or you can start from scratch using Disqus for new posted comments. 

Disqus' interface is mobile friendly.  Disqus' dynamic interface will automatically adjust to mobile Web browsers on tablets and smartphones so that commenting is not affected.  Additionally, bloggers can moderate comments through Disqus' (1) website through any desktop/laptop,  (2) mobile-enabled website on any mobile device, and (3) email

Leaving comments or replying to comments through Disqus is easy and almost real time.  The latest comments are posted instantly without the need to refresh the page to view new comments.  Blog and site owners can be notified when a new comment has been posted, and best of all - you can reply to these new comments immediately by simply replying to the email message.  Commenters can have the option to attach media (i.e. URLs, YouTube video, photos, etc.) to their comments.

Disqus' core commenting service is free, but there are additional subscription-based tools should you need more out of your blog or website.  

Additional Disqus features worth noting include, but not limited to:
  • Search engine optimization, or SEO, friendly.  This means Discus is compatible with most search engines on the Web.
  • Commenters can post as a guest, Open ID, or through other social media profiles (Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Disqus)
  • Easy-to-use administrative panels to moderate comments
  • Commenters can flag comments containing inappropriate or questionable content

Useful Disqus Links:

2. IntenseDebate

IntenseDebate, by Automattic, is a commenting system from the creators of WordPress, Polldaddy, Cloudup, and other Web tools.  If you are using the WordPress platform for your blog and looking for third party commenting system, IntenseDebate may be an ideal choice.

One interesting feature is the use of reputation points.  Reputation points allows visitors to reward constructive and well-thought out comments with points and have them (the comments) appear above others with fewer reputation points.  This can be a great mechanism to encourage high quality discussions on your blog or website.  

Additional IntenseDebate features worth noting include, but not limited to:
  • Email notification sent to commenters when someone responds to their comment
  • Visitors can report inappropriate comments including the option to state the reason for reporting a comment.
  • Commenters can simultaneously tweet their posted comment
  • Allows users to login via OpenID, Twitter, Facebook or WordPress.com ID.
  • Supports numerous widgets to display comment stats, most recent comments, most popular comments and top commenters. 

Useful IntenseDebate Links:

3. Livefyre

Finally, there's Livefyre. Founded in 2009, Livefyre has reach 25 million registered users and 175 million visitors monthly. 

Livefyre has most of the commenting features found in Disqus and IntenseDebate. Additional features include the ability of commenters to tag other users using the @ symbol, similar to mentioning users on Twitter or Facebook.

Visitors have the option to have their comments simultaneously posted to Twitter, Facebook, or bothWhen a visitor chooses to “follow” a conversation, they automatically "listen" – meaning they will get notification whenever there is an update. Livefyre shows you how many commenters are online and how many are listening to a particular conversation.

Additional IntenseDebate features worth noting include, but not limited to:
  • A rich-text editor
  • Media embedding
  • Comment editing within a specific time frame
  • Synch Twitter and Facebook with Livefyre content through SocialSync 

Useful Livefyre Links:


My Final Thoughts

This list of 3rd party commenting systems is by no means an extensive review. Ultimately, your decision to use a native or 3rd party commenting system depends on how you want to engage dialog and conversations with your target audience that have shared interests in your content. I must confess that I am only familiar with Blogger's (i.e. Google's blogging platform) native commenting system and Disqus. Currently, I use Disqus and have been very pleased with its features, clean user interface, smooth integration with the Blogger platform, threaded commenting structure, and ease of comment moderation. This is not to say I will never switch to another 3rd party option or revert to the native commenting system in the future. Hopefully, this post is a good starting point in your research and investigation into enhancing your current commenting system.

What Commenting System Do You Prefer to Use?

Feel free to share which commenting platform you prefer to use and why by posting your comments below. Happy commenting!

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